Channel: Nekrogoblikon
Category: Music
Tags: nekrogoblikonbrandon dermerno one survivesserj tankianmetalnickywelcome to bonkersgoblin metaldave rispolipandemic1720post malonebobby leejoe rogandillon francisgoblinnicky calonnedaron malakianquarantinediplojohn goblikongoblins
Description: From our new album, 'The Fundamental Slimes and Humours' OUT NOW! Stream: CD/Vinyl: Download: Lyrics: you're always waiting for the night to fall maybe this time you'll end it all had enough of your shit don't need no more this is what i've been waiting my whole life for don't give me a call don't throw me a line this is my time this is my time not your time yes this is my time you've had enough of me and i've had enough of you the least that you could do is not pretend that you know what i'm goin' thru this is it well you're still waiting for the night to fall i thought you said you'd have it all but ya don't no you don't sometimes when the dream don't burn bright we waste away again, into the night and when the light goes out for good oh well did you do the things you thought you would? (no) and did you do the things that others thought you should? (no) you- you think you're really cool but really you're a fool you- you always bitch and moan why don't you leave me alone? this is my time not your time yes this is my time you've had enough of me and i've had enough of you the least that you could do is not pretend that you know what i'm goin' thru this is it Directed by Brandon Dermer Executive Produced by Nekrogoblikon, Brandon Dermer, and Dave Rispoli Nekrogoblikon is: Nicky Calonne - Vocals, Keyboards, Programming, Samples Alex Alereza - Guitars Aaron Minich - Keyboards Joe Nelson - Guitars Aaron VanZutphen - Bass Eric W. Brown - Drums "This Is It" Written and composed by Nicky Calonne Performed by Nekrogoblikon Engineered and mixed by Jason Suecof Flute intro performed by Matt Appleton from Reel Big Fish Follow us: Instagram: @nekrogoblikonofficial Facebook: Twitter: @Nekrogoblikon